You may use this form to sign up to be added a contact list of people who are interested in working together to eliminate homelessness in Tempe, by helping homeless individuals get off the street, and by working to prevent people from becoming homeless in the first place.
This list is sponsored by the McClintock Neighborhood Association, but you do not need to live within the McClintock Neighborhood's city-specified boundaries to be a part of this list.
Those who sign up for this list will be able to receive and send messages specifically about homelessness in the area. Also, list members may list themselves as a resource on a contact list. To be listed, a user must intentionally choose to be listed, either on a contact list that is available only internally (to other list members), or available publicly. If you simply sign up to be on the contact list, it means that you will receive and be able to send messages about this topic, but your contact information will be completely anonymous. If you choose to publicize your contact information, you will need to log in and set your contact information to be public.